
Perfect Solutions

Perfect Solutions has been operating in the Electricity Market Trading and Operational processes since 2014 with its "23 Years of Sector Experience Experience" and a team of 28 experts. In this respect, it is the first and unique in Türkiye.

Perfect Solutions, which provides services to Production, Distribution and Supply companies, carries out all of the Electricity Market Trading and Operational processes digitally with the P2 Solutions Trading Platform on behalf of companies with its expert team. P2 Solutions Trading Platform has been implemented with the aim of enabling small and medium-sized investors to manage their trading processes digitally in line with their needs. With the use of the Trading Platform, it is aimed to provide cost advantages and multiple benefits that support the economic sustainability of smaller-scale production facilities. 

Our activities, including Licensing and Provisional Acceptance Services, include "Production Planning and Operations" for Production Plants, "Strategic Planning and Management Services" for Retail Sales Companies of Distribution Companies, "Back and Middle Office" for Electricity Supply/Wholesale Companies, in other words, all customer and risk management processes.

We also provide Consumption Consultancy to consumption points within the scope of Eligible Consumers, development of Green Certification Processes (I-REC and YEK-G certification) and Trading services to Production plants.